15 juin 1991
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Le chiendent est une espèce très productive, même lorsqu'elle est comparée au ray-grass anglais. Il est très riche en Matières Azotées Totales mais plus pauvre en sucres solubles que d'autres graminées fourragères. Sa teneur en fibre est supérieure à celle des ray-grass anglais et italien mais environ égale à celle du dactyle. Sa digestibilité et son appétibilité sont également inférieures à celles des ray-grass mais équivalentes à celles du dactyle. Le chiendent a son optimum dans les prairies fauchées 2 ou 3 fois par an et qui reçoivent une forte fertilisation azotée.
Couch is very abundant in leys or permanent meadows cut 2 or 3 times a year and receiving moderate to high nitrogen fertilization. In some regions (Ardenne, Belgium), it has become one of the most important forage plants for the Winter feeding of cows. In pastures, couch is often refused by the cows but nevertheless, this grass seems to be interesting for hay and silage. Its establisment by seeds is difficult, but its perennity is very high (rhizomes). It is a very productive species, even compared to perennial ryegrass. It is very rich in nitrogen, but poorer in soluble sugar than other forage grasses. Its crude fibre content is higher than that of perennial and Italian ryegrass but more or less equal to that of orchardgrass. Its digestibility and palatability (silage) are also lower than that of ryegrass but equivalent to that of orchardgrass.It seems to be well adapted to silage in spite of its low soluble sugar content. Its forage qualities should be improved by selection, especially in order to reduce its crude fibre content and to increase its digestibility.
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